Uncollected Prose
‘Its Own Intrinsic Form’ [unpublished review of Robert Creeley, For Love: Poems 1950–1960 (New York: Scribners, 1962)]. Undated typescript, written c. December 1962, in Box 19, Folder 328, Edward Dorn Papers, Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries.
– quoted in Keston Sutherland, J.H. Prynne and Philology (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Cambridge University, 2004): 50, 58. Also referenced in The Collected Letters of Charles Olson and J.H. Prynne, ed. Ryan Dobran (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2017): 12.
‘Some Work Referring to or Containing Discussion of Medieval Light Symbolism and Related Themes’ [typed bibliography, 6 March 1963]. Papers of Joseph Needham as a historian of Chinese science, technology and medicine, Needham Research Institute. See http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD%2FGBR%2F1928%2FNRI2%2FSCC2%2F343%2F46.
‘Some Works Containing Discussion of Scientific and Christian Time, History, and Causal Explanation’ [typed bibliography, 15 February 1964]. Papers of Joseph Needham as a historian of Chinese science, technology and medicine, Needham Research Institute. See http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD%2FGBR%2F1928%2FNRI2%2FSCC2%2F376%2F1. Also in Box 19, Folder 327, Edward Dorn Papers, Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries.
‘Critical Readings of Elizabethan Poetry’ [lecture notes, undated].
– referenced in Ryan Dobran, ‘“The Review of Struggle to Fix the Sense”: Speculations on Commentary and J.H. Prynne’. Philological Quarterly, Vol. 98 No. 4 (Fall 2019): 389–407 [406n40].
‘On the Outlook and Procedures of the Post-Romantic Mind’ [a collection of notes for students, November 1968].
– quoted in Ian Brinton, ‘Prynne in Prospect’. Salt Magazine, 3 (2009), online at http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/93590/20130104-0809/saltmagazine/issues/03/text/Brinton_Ian.htm [approx. pp. 25]. Also quoted in Ian Brinton, review of Peter Hughes, Allotment Architecture (Hastings: Reality Street, 2013). Shearsman Books blog, (15 March 2014): online at http://www.shearsman.com/ws-blog/post/366-peter-hughes-allotment-architecture [approx. pp. 2]. Also quoted in Ian Brinton, ‘Introduction: A Hand-Out for the Future’, in For the Future: Poems & Essays in Honour of J.H. Prynne on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, ed. Ian Brinton (Bristol: Shearsman Books, 2016): 7–16 [9–15], where it is called ‘Some Notes on the Outlook and Procedures of the Post-Romantic Mind’, and dated November 1969. Ryan Dobran, ‘“The Review of Struggle to Fix the Sense”: Speculations on Commentary and J.H. Prynne’. Philological Quarterly, Vol. 98 No. 4 (Fall 2019): 389–407 [406n40], refers to the text as ‘Some Notes on the Outlook and Procedures of the Post-Romantic Mind’, noting that it is ‘dated November 1968, but revised henceforth’.
Peter Handke, [untitled prose]. Translated by Ted Holt, John James and J.H. Prynne. Collection Seven (Autumn 1970; ed. Peter Riley, with John James): 77–78.
[as ppKew, pseud.], transliteration and ‘post-Nixon’ translation of Prynne’s rune poem (12 July [1972]). Galley, Bean News, 4 [1975]. Box 28, Folders 456–58, Edward Dorn Papers, Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries. [This text was also sent to Douglas Oliver, and possibly to others. In addition, given its place in the galley for Bean News, 4, and among a copy of the Bean News, 4 galleys edited by Prynne, it seems likely that Prynne intended for this, and the three pieces listed below, to be published].
[anon.], ‘Here Is Some Spin-Off’. Galley, Bean News, 4 [1975]. Box 28, Folder 456, Edward Dorn Papers, Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries. [This text was originally from a letter to Ed Dorn c. 1974].
[as Erasmus, pseud.], [‘Caro BEEN:…’]. Galley, Bean News, 4 [1975]. Box 28, Folder 456, Edward Dorn Papers, Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries.
[anon.], [‘The argument about naked singularities…’]. Galley, Bean News, 4 [1975]. Box 28, Folder 456, Edward Dorn Papers, Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries. [This text was originally from a letter to Ed Dorn c. 1972].
‘[Lecture on poem by Creeley (AMs reprint) 1988]’, in Box 63, Folder 11, Robert Creeley Papers, 1950–1997, Special Collections, Manuscripts Division, Stanford University. See http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf7b69n911/].
‘Publications by Joseph Needham in the Library of Gonville and Caius College’ (Cambridge: privately printed, 5 December 1990) [An informally produced handlist, ‘made available to friends as a modest tribute to the character and extent of his learning and to the steadfast persistence of his endeavours to publish and disseminate the results of his enterprise.’] [pp. 20].
Lecture on Wordsworth’s Prelude, University of Cambridge, 24 November 1994.
– quoted in Birgitta Johansson, The Engineering of Being: An Ontological Approach to J.H. Prynne (Ph.D. Dissertation, Umeå: Umeå University; Acta Universitatis Umensis, Umeå Studies in the Humanities, 135; 1997): 48. Ben Watson, in ‘Wordsworth’s Prelude & Beethoven’s Fidelio: Two Bourgeois Classics 200 Years On’ (2005), online at http://www.militantesthetix.co.uk/critlit/1805.htm and at https://web.archive.org/web/20160131120424/http://ammarxists.org/ben-watson-wordsworths-prelude-beethovens-fidelio/ [approx. pp. 8], also mentions Prynne’s 1975 Cambridge lectures on Wordsworth’s Prelude; and Keston Sutherland, in J.H. Prynne and Philology (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Cambridge University, 2004): 98–99, also discusses Prynne’s lecture series on Wordsworth at the University of Cambridge, 1994–2003. Manuscript drafts of a complete series of eight lectures with the title ‘Wordsworth’s Prelude’ are in the Cambridge University Library Special Collections’s J.H. Prynne Papers, as part of MS Add.10144 [cataloguing still in progress], and would appear to be the basis for what Johansson, Watson and Sutherland discuss. A series of nine pdf files by J.H. Prynne of what seem to be lecture notes on Wordsworth’s Prelude, substantially different from the lectures titled ‘Wordsworth’s Prelude’ contained among the J.H. Prynne Papers, are also online alongside essays, reading lists and tips for university students at https://www.cai.cam.ac.uk/documents/jhp13 on the Gonville & Caius College website.