Miscellanea &c.
‘The Starry Bun: The J. H. Prynne appreciation society’, https://www.facebook.com/groups/4532644661/ [Facebook fan page – as if!].
‘J.H. Prynne is my Quietly-Brilliant God’, https://www.facebook.com/groups/5950171890/ [another Facebook fan page].
‘JH Prynne Says’ @prynnesays, https://twitter.com/prynnesays [a twitter user who tweets quotes by Prynne, from March 2010 to the present].
http://jowlindsay.blogspot.com/search?q=prynne [a nice blog by Jow Lindsay. Sophie Robinson’s got a nice blog too with some Prynne references online at http://sophierobinson.blogspot.com/. And of course Andrew Duncan, http://angelexhaust.blogspot.com/. And Robert Sheppard, http://robertsheppard.blogspot.com/search?q=prynne. And Jeffrey Side, http://jeffrey-side.blogspot.com/search?q=prynne; for an expanded version of one of Side’s blog posts, see Jeffrey Side, ‘The Dissembling Poet: Seamus Heaney and the Avant-garde’. Jacket, 37 (2009), online at http://jacketmagazine.com/37/heaney-side.shtml [approx. pp. 11]. Also Ken Edwards, http://www.realitystreet.co.uk/kens-blog/prynne-and-prynne-. And definitely Amy Cutler, https://amycutler.wordpress.com/, though the Prynne references on that blog seem to have disappeared as of September 2015. And Elizabeth James’s blog makes it in under the wire: http://theunderfoot.blogspot.com/search?q=prynne].
http://samizdatblog.blogspot.com/search?q=prynne [blog].
http://damnthecaesars.blogspot.com/search?q=prynne [blog].
http://www.openned.com/display/Search?searchQuery=prynne [useful blog linking to all other blogs for recent publications, lectures, etc].
http://potoweb.org/festival/ [links to descriptions of the Poto Festivals; Prynne participated in Poto Festivals III, IV, VI, IX and X].
http://www.textetc.com/modernist/postmodernists.html [brief intro to Prynne and postmodernism in poetry].
http://isola-di-rifiuti.blogspot.com/search?q=prynne [blog, critical discussion].
http://alan-baker.blogspot.com/2008/07/on-jh-prynne.html [an ‘I don’t understand anything in later Prynne poetry but wish I did’ discussion, including an appreciation of Field Notes: ‘The Solitary Reaper’ and Others].
http://gistsandpiths.blogspot.com/search?q=prynne [more].
http://stevenwaling.blogspot.com/search?q=prynne [and more].
http://thelyreonline.blogspot.com/search/label/J.H.%20Prynne [occasional news, blurbs] [As of September 2015, though, this blog is open to invited readers only].
http://www.surrey.ac.uk/mediacentre/press/2009/16056_annual_poetry_lecture_jh_prynne_on_edmund_blunden.htm [press release about Prynne’s Morag Morris Poetry Lecture on Edmund Blunden (8 October 2009, University of Surrey)].
http://www.varsity.co.uk/news/2965 [28 November 2010, Prynne among the signatories of a letter sent to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge expressing support for the student occupation].
http://crookedtimber.org/2006/02/09/funny-how-things-turn-up/ [someone called ‘yonray’ tells an unverified university anecdote regarding WW2 book recycling].
http://web.archive.org/web/20100529001357/http://www.spectator.co.uk/susanhill/5862922/its-mrs-wells-to-you.thtml [in the Comments section, beneath Susan Hill’s ‘It’s Mrs Wells to you’. The Spectator (24 March 2010), ‘Sarah AB’ tells an unverified university anecdote regarding personal privacy].
http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/reporter/2009-10/special/17/section2.shtml [a sentence of positive summary for Prynne’s 4 March 2009 lecture at Kettle’s Yard on Ezra Pound].
http://www.afterall.org/events/past [announcement of a 27 March 2010 seminar conversation between Emily Wardill and Prynne regarding Wardill’s film Game Keepers Without Game (2009)].
http://whatarewritersreading.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.html [brief Ian Patterson discussion of Field Notes: ‘The Solitary Reaper’ and Others].
http://zndxb.cuepa.cn/show_more.php?doc_id=64129 [Prynne in Chinese news].
http://bbs.csu.edu.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=35964&highlight=prynne [Prynne in Chinese university blogs].
http://beetleinabox.tumblr.com/post/2396186418/the-first-view-of-earth-from-the-moon-taken-by [Prynne quotation from ‘On Maximus IV, V, VI’, alongside the photograph Prynne references of the ‘first view of Earth from the moon, taken by Lunar Orbiter 1, August 23, 1966’. On the tumblr aus unruhigen Träumen (‘…a criticism consisting entirely of quotations…’), (21 December 2010)].
http://www.amazon.co.uk/PRYNNE-Christer-AUTHOR-May-23-2011-Paperback/dp/B00F3ZRIPM [an automatically-generated book, J. H. Prynne, ‘edited’ by ‘Emory Christer’ (‘Junct’ Publishers, 2011), which collects Wikipedia and other free online articles about Prynne, for sale for a mere £46.66].
http://thelyreonline.blogspot.com/2011/11/news-flash.html [announces the publication of Kazoo Dreamboats; or, On What There Is (Cambridge: Critical Documents, 2011), with apposite comments]. [As of September 2015, though, this blog is open to invited readers only].
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/11/488987.html [an article on the student occupation of Lady Mitchell Hall, University of Cambridge, featuring Prynne as ‘Head of English Faculty chatting to activists afterwards.’].
http://www.gotoquiz.com/poetry_music_quiz_1 [a quiz created by ‘Rod’. Question 12 of 22 is ‘JH Prynne is apparently a big fan of which US band? a) Captain Beefheart, b) The Ramones, c) ZZ Top, d) Slipknot’].
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF2Ju28ybxU [‘Dullbedsitblogger’ reads, as part of ‘Fun Fives For February 2015’, his five favourite titles of J.H. Prynne poems he’s never read].
https://twitter.com/LRBbookshop [LRB [London Review of Books] Bookshop’s Twitter account, which frequently mentions and meme-ifies J.H. Prynne. Their blog, https://www.londonreviewbookshop.co.uk/blog, also ventures occasionally into late modernist mirth, as on John Clegg’s 21 December 2015 post, ‘“Concerning Quality, Again”: J.H. Prynne’s Christmas Cracker Jokes’ [https://www.londonreviewbookshop.co.uk/blog/2015/12/concerning-quality-again-j-h-prynne-s-christmas-cracker-jokes]].
https://www.english.cam.ac.uk/news/archives/2398 [‘Reading J.H. Prynne’. Cambridge University’s English Faculty News blog, (24 October 2016). Announces a display of the work of J.H. Prynne on the first floor of the Faculty and in the Faculty Library in October 2016. It included ‘poems, prose, correspondence, supervision handouts, a manuscript (facsimile), annotations, as well as responses to the work by longstanding friends and fellow poets.’].
Prynne’s lectures at universities in P.R. China and various public appearances are the subject of numerous articles and blog posts in Chinese. I’ve included selected links in the Minor Critical Discussion section of the bibliography, but many others exist, as typing Prynne’s Chinese name, Pu Ling-en [蒲龄恩], into search engines will attest.