Dedications and Acknowledgements

[Matthew Mead and Malcolm Rutherford], ‘Editorial’. Satis, 5 (Spring/Summer 1962): 2. ‘We are indebted to J.H. Prynne, the Editor of Prospect, for agreeing to our suggestion that subscriptions which would not have expired until our sixth number should be filled by Prospect. All subscriptions which run beyond that point will be returned. Any malcontent to whom this arrangement is not agreeable should write to us at once. We are sharpening everything.’

Donald Davie, Ezra Pound: Poet as Sculptor (New York: Oxford University Press, 1964; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., 1965): vi. ‘Some pages of Chapter VI derive immediately from conversations with J.H. Prynne.’ [Davie presumably is referring to the pages discussing Charles Olson, 113–14 and 119. In addition, Ralph Maud, Charles Olson’s Reading: A Biography (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1996): 316 posits that the last ten pages of Ezra Pound: Poet as Sculptor [243–52], which also discuss Olson, were ‘the result of a conversation between Davie and Prynne, one understands’].

L.E.R. Picken, ‘Secular Chinese Songs of the Twelfth Century’. Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, T. 8, Fasc. 1/4 (1966): 125–71 [171]. Expresses gratitude to Mr. J. H. Prynne and others ‘for the help they have given me.’

Charles Olson, ‘OCEANIA,’ [June 1966] in his posthumous The Maximus Poems: Volume Three (New York: Viking/Grossman, 1975): 155–61 [157]. Reprinted in Charles Olson, The Maximus Poems, ed. George Butterick (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1983): 538–44 [540]. ‘And no one | to tell it to | but you […] for | Robert Hogg, Dan Rice and | Jeremy Prynne’.

John Hall, ‘Between the Cities’. The English Intelligencer, 1st ser., 7 (c. June 1966): 81. Republished in John Hall, Between the Cities (Lincoln: Grosseteste Press, 1968): 8–9. ‘for Jeremy Prynne’. Also, the book Between the Cities is dedicated, on p. [4], ‘for Jeremy Prynne’.

Tony Ward, ‘May Day: A Letter for Jeremy Prynne’. The English Intelligencer, 1st ser., 15 (c. March 1967): 259–63. [Dated 5 May 1966; not in fact a letter]. Followed by Jack Coulthard’s poem in response, ‘May Day Letter to Himself’. The English Intelligencer, 2nd ser., 4 (c. June 1967): 345.

Barry MacSweeney, ‘The Decision, Finally’, from ‘The Sparty Lea Festival Poems, March 21st to March 30th, 1967’. The English Intelligencer, 2nd ser., 2 (April 1967): 305. ‘(for Jeremy Prynne)’.

Peter Riley, ‘Festival Cluster (out of Sparty Lea, Allendale, Northumberland, March 1967), 2.’ The English Intelligencer, 2nd ser., 2 (April 1967): 310–13 [311]. ‘(for Jeremy Prynne’.

Edward Dorn, The North Atlantic Turbine (London: Fulcrum Press, 1967): [6]. Reprinted in Dorn’s posthumous Collected Poems, ed. Jennifer Dunbar Dorn with Justin Katko, Reitha Pattison and Kyle Waugh (Manchester: Carcanet Press, 2012): 231–84 [231]. Dedicated to J. H. Prynne, Donald Davie and Tom Raworth. Below each dedication is a quote from each dedicatee’s poetry as epigraph; Prynne’s is ‘we give the name of | our selves to our needs. | We want what we are.’ [which is the final three lines of section 4 of ‘Sketch for a Financial Theory of the Self’].

John James, Trägheit (Pampisford, Cambridgeshire and Cheltenham, Gloucestershire: R. Books, July 1968 [composed between August 1966 and June 1967]). ‘these are dedicated to || J.H. PRYNNE | who gave me the title || & to || NICK WAYTE | who knows the condition: || “A piece | of rain-soaked rope | tied to the railings outside | blowing lifting | falling”’. Trägheit is reprinted without the dedications in John James, Collected Poems (Great Wilbraham, Cambridge/Applecross, Western Australia: Salt Publishing, 2002): 39–50.

The Ferry Press thanked J.H. Prynne, among others, for support in making certain publications possible (e.g., Chris Torrance, Green  Orange  Purple  Red [1968], …).

Ralph Maud, ed., Poet in the Making: The Notebooks of Dylan Thomas (London: Dent, 1968): 43, thanks ‘Jeremy Prynne, whose eyes I have used on the manuscript … at various times.’

Edward Dorn, Gunslinger: Book II (Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1969). Reprinted in Dorn’s Gunslinger 1 & 2 (London: Fulcrum Press, 1970): [unknown page numbers]; further reprinted in Dorn’s Slinger (Berkeley, California: Wingbow Press, 1975): [n.p.]; further reprinted in Dorn’s Gunslinger (Durham, North Carolina and London: Duke University Press, 1989): 44–86; further reprinted in Dorn’s posthumous Collected Poems, ed. Jennifer Dunbar Dorn with Justin Katko, Reitha Pattison and Kyle Waugh (Manchester: Carcanet Press, 2012): 431–74. Dedicated to ‘Jeremy’ [‘in his distance’], among a long list of names on p. [5] [prior to page numbering]. Subsequent to the original publication, later printings of ‘Book II’ change the dedication to ‘for Jennifer’, though Prynne becomes the sole dedicatee of ‘Book IIII’ [see below].

Barry MacSweeney, Brother Wolf (London: Turret Books, 1972). ‘For Jeremy’. Reprinted in Barry MacSweeney, Thomas A. Clark, Chris Torrance, The Tempers of Hazard (London: Paladin, 1993): 147.

Veronica Forrest-Thomson, ‘Pastoral’, in her Collected Poems and Translations, ed. Anthony Barnett (London: Allardyce, Barnett, 1990): 72; and reprinted in her Collected Poems, ed. Anthony Barnett (Exeter: Shearsman Books; and Lewes: Allardyce Book, 2008): 123. Both books include a note by Anthony Barnett regarding Forrest-Thomson’s copy of Omens, Vol. 3 No. 2 (Leicester, January 1974), in which ‘Pastoral’ was published. Forrest-Thomson’s copy includes amendments and comments in the author’s hand dated 12/1/74, and, above an alternate version of ‘Pastoral’ with additional lines, an additional dedication: ‘for J.H.Prynne | il miglior fabbro’.

Malcolm Heron, Ferry Path: The Story of a Cambridge river street (Cambridge: privately printed, July 1974). Republished, in a ‘short-run reprint issued for private circulation only’, by Green Bay Publications, 2008. J.H. Prynne is included in the Acknowledgements.

Douglas Oliver, in the cave of suicession (Cambridge: Street Edition, 1974). ‘For Andrew Crozier | John James | J.H. Prynne’.

Edward Dorn, ‘Book IIII’ of Gunslinger. First published in Edward Dorn, Slinger (Berkeley, California: Wingbow Press, 1975): [n.p.]; reprinted in Edward Dorn, Gunslinger (Durham, North Carolina and London: Duke University Press, 1989): 143–200; further reprinted in Dorn’s posthumous Collected Poems, ed. Jennifer Dunbar Dorn with Justin Katko, Reitha Pattison and Kyle Waugh (Manchester: Carcanet Press, 2012): 531–88. ‘for Jeremy Prynne’.

Andrew Crozier, High Zero (Cambridge: Street Editions, 1978): 5. ‘For John James and J.H. Prynne’. Reprinted in Andrew Crozier, An Andrew Crozier Reader, ed. Ian Brinton (Manchester: Carcanet Press, 2012): 143–59.

Barry MacSweeney, Colonel B ([n.p.]: [Colin Simms], 1980). ‘this state of the nation bulletin for J.H. Prynne’. Reprinted as ‘Colonel B’ [1978–1979], in Barry MacSweeney, Thomas A. Clark, Chris Torrance, The Tempers of Hazard (London: Paladin, 1993): 205–12. Further reprinted in Barry MacSweeney, Wolf Tongue: Selected Poems 1965–2000 (Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books, 2003): 88–94.

Rupert Sheldrake, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (London: Blond & Briggs, 1981). Acknowledges J.H. Prynne’s participation in commenting on the second draft.

Peter Nicholls, Ezra Pound: Politics, Economics, and Writing; A Study of the Cantos (London and Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1984): Acknowledgements [ix]. ‘This book originated in a doctoral dissertation for the University of Cambridge. The supervisor of that project was J.H. Prynne of Gonville and Caius College, and it is a pleasure to have an opportunity to thank him formally for the guidance and encouragement which he has given me. It has been a privilege indeed to have had the benefit of his extensive knowledge of Pound’s work and of the related areas with which this study deals.’

Anna Mendelssohn [Grace Lake], ‘For J.H. Prynne.’. The Paper Nautilus, 2 (September 2011; eds. Rosa van Hensbergen and Laura Kilbride, Cambridge): 31. [A five-line poem by Mendelssohn [spelled ‘Mendelsohn’ in the handwritten manuscript from which this typed publication was prepared], previously unpublished, found among Mendelssohn’s posthumous papers. Undated; presumably from 1985 or later, when she began to study poetry at Cambridge University].

Michael Haslam, Continual Song (West Yorkshire: Open Township, 1986). ‘THANKS […] To J.H. Prynne, who encouraged me to take steps at a despondent point.

Nick Totton, ‘Not Slipping into Something More Comfortable’, in A Various Art, eds. Andrew Crozier and Tim Longville (Manchester: Carcanet Press, 1987): 367–69. [details of earlier publication not yet known].

D.S. Marriott, ‘The Internal Border’ [dated 9.11.87], in Schadenfreude (Hebden Bridge: Open Township, 1989): 15–16. ‘for Jeremy Prynne’.

Tony Lopez, The Poetry of W.S. Graham (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1989). ‘For J.H. Prynne’.

Anthony Barnett, ‘Editor’s Note’, in Veronica Forrest-Thomson, Collected Poems and Translations, ed. Anthony Barnett (London: Allardyce, Barnett, 1990): 12–14 [13–14]. Among a list of acknowledgements, J.H. Prynne is thanked ‘for encouragement and for providing a crucial typescript of On the Periphery’. There are further thanks in Anthony Barnett’s ‘Editor’s Note’, in Veronica Forrest-Thomson, Selected Poems, ed. Anthony Barnett (London: Invisible Books, 1999): xiii [Prynne and others are thanked for ‘communicating their findings since the publication of Collected Poems and Translations, in respect of corrections or poems.’]. The original thanks regarding ‘a crucial typescript of On the Periphery’ is further elaborated by Anthony Barnett in the ‘Notes’ section of Veronica Forrest-Thomson, Collected Poems, ed. Anthony Barnett (Exeter: Shearsman Books; and Lewes: Allardyce Book, 2008): 173–84 [176]. [‘In preparing the present edition, “OP” 75 [i.e., a typescript by Forrest-Thomson known in May 1975 which was used as the basis for her posthumous publication On the Periphery] was compared with a photocopied typescript received by J.H. Prynne from the author in November 1973.’].

Daniel Eilon, Factions’ Fictions: Ideological Closure in Swift’s Satire (Cranbury, Delaware/London/Mississauga, Ontario: University of Delaware Press/Associated University Presses, 1991). [‘For help, guidance and (above all) inspiration, I should like in particular to thank […] my former teacher Jeremy Prynne.’ See also p. 170n6: ‘I am grateful to J.H. Prynne, my former director of studies at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, for raising this particularly constructive criticism.’]

Edward Dorn, Way West: Stories, Essays & Verse Accounts, 1963–1993 (Santa Rosa, California: Black Sparrow Press, 1993). ‘Across all these micro-eras, the “reading” of my work by J.H. Prynne, starting in the early Sixties, has been of such importance I can’t attempt to isolate it enough to describe it. Over those years, the documentation he supplied to me on the slightest hint that I was wandering in the wilderness, is integrated totally in what I know of the literature.’

Ben Watson, Frank Zappa: The Negative Dialectics of Poodle Play (London: Quartet Books, 1993; [with added Postfix to the Fourth Edition] New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1996). ‘For Jeremy Prynne and Danny Houston, the true gurus on this one’.

N.R. Burrell, The Language of Silence is no Paradox: Enervation & Renewal in the Poetry of J.H. Prynne (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, American University of London, 1993): 3. Among other acknowledgements, Burrell writes, ‘I imagine it goes without saying that I owe an enormous debt of gratitude […] to Mr J.H. Prynne, whose generous help and cooperation were both greater than I fear I deserved.’

Barry MacSweeney, ‘Himself Bright Starre Northern Within’. The Book of Demons (Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books, 1997): 76–81. ‘(for J.H. Prynne)’. Reprinted in Barry MacSweeney, Wolf Tongue: Selected Poems 1965–2000 (Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books, 2003): 257–62.

John Kinsella, ‘polytype’. Fragmente, 7 (1997): 15–16. ‘for J H Prynne’.

Douglas Oliver, ‘Money in Sunshine’, from the sequence China Blue (c. 1998). Printed in A Meeting for Douglas Oliver and 27 Uncollected Poems (Cambridge: infernal methods, Street Editions and Poetical Histories, 2002): 75. Reprinted in Douglas Oliver, Arrondissements (Great Wilbraham, Cambridge/Applecross, Western Australia: Salt Publishing, 2003): 42. ‘(for J.H. Prynne)’. The poem is also addressed to ‘Jeremy’.

John Wilkinson, Oort’s Cloud: Earlier Poems (Cambridge: Barque Press/Honolulu: subpress, 1999). On the Acknowledgments page, Wilkinson thanks J.H. Prynne and others who ‘encouraged me during the period [this collection of writing] covers’ [1970–1984].

Barry MacSweeney, ‘Totem Banking’ [dated April 1999]. In the ‘Uncollected Poems [1998–1999]’ section of Wolf Tongue: Selected Poems 1965–2000 (Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books, 2003): 315–16. ‘(for JH Prynne)’.

Lisa Robertson, The Weather (London: Reality Street Editions, 2001), p. [80]. ‘Mr. Prynne kindly directed me to the work of Reverend Blomefield, an early 19th century Cambridgeshire enthusiast of low and creeping mists.’

John Kinsella, ‘The Vital Waters’. Meanjin, Vol. 63 No. 3 (2004): 206–215. Reprinted in The Best Australian Poetry 2005, ed. Peter Porter (St. Lucia, Queensland: University of Queensland Press, 2005): [unknown page numbers]. Reprinted again in The Literature of Australia: An Anthology, ed. Nicholas Jose (New York/London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2009): 1365–74. [Contains a dedication, in part, to ‘Jeremy’; and two oblique references to J.H. Prynne (‘. . . star fighter, | thin gypsum walls through which the utterances | of the Black Mountain School are heard . . .’ and ‘. . . in oval windows and choirs sonorously out of control . . .’)].

Zhimin Li, Xi fang shi xue yin xiang xia de Zhongguo xin shi; qi yuan fa zhan yu ben tu yi shi [ = New Chinese Poetry under the Influence of Western Poetics; The Origins, Development and Sense of Nativeness] (English Poetry Studies Institute Pubs, 1; Guangzhou, 2005) acknowledges J.H. Prynne’s help in the development of this thesis. ‘My learning experience at Cambridge University owes greatly to Mr. Prynne who kindly smoothed the way for me to “crack” all sorts of academic “hard nuts” and generously showed me the way into the wonderful Cambridge academic tradition symbolized by Freedom, Equality and Individualism. Mr Prynne had always encouraged the free expression of my views, granting me complete academic equality with him so that tête-à-tête discussions could go on between us, which often clarified or inspired my mind.’

J.H. Prynne, ‘Keynote Speech at the First Pearl River Poetry Conference, Guangzhou, China, 8th June 2005’. Quid, 16 (February 2006; ed. Keston Sutherland): 7–17 includes a reproduction of calligraphy of Meng Hao-ren’s poem ‘Su Jiande Jiang’ [ = ‘Passing the Night on a River in Jian De’] by Ge Hong-zhen, inscribed (colophon) to Pu Ling-en (J.H. Prynne).

[Keston Sutherland, ed.], For J.H. Prynne: In Celebration, 24th June 2006 (Quid, 17 (2006); Falmer, Brighton): pp. 98 [various essays and poems].

Rebecca Beasley, Ezra Pound and the Visual Culture of Modernism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) acknowledges J.H. Prynne’s advice.

Laura Ashe, Fiction and History in England, 1066–1200 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) acknowledges J.H. Prynne’s role in nurturing the book’s development.

Heming Yong and Peng Jing, Bilingual lexicography from a communicative perspective (Philadelphia and Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2007) offer ‘profound thanks’ to J.H. Prynne for reading, revising and making highly valuable comments on the manuscript.

Sam Ladkin, ‘Problems for Lyric Poetry’, in Complicities: British Poetry 1945–2007, eds. Robin Purves and Sam Ladkin (Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, 2007): 271–322 thanks J.H. Prynne and others, for ‘our conversations, and for the generous help which has been offered, and eagerly accepted, whilst writing this article’.

[anon.], ‘Foreword’, in N.R. Burrell, Selected Works (n.p., n.d. [2008]): 1. ‘This volume is dedicated, as Buzz would have done, to his wife Amanda Ascott and his friends including, but not limited to, Chris Burnham, Dave Cook, Gary and Jonquil King, Jon Newman, Kristin Perers, Jeremy Prynne, Alan Soper and Tony Lucey, who have contributed to the mechanics of its preparation and publication.’

‘Caius goes to China’, section ‘Poetry to China’. Once a Caian…, 9 (Spring 2009): 18–19 includes a short article about J.H. Prynne’s work and interests in China, with photographs of ‘A pictographic ritual script inscribed and given to Jeremy Prynne by a scholar-priest of the Naxi minority peoples, in North-western Yunan Province’, and of ‘A Buddhist text inscribed for and to Jeremy Prynne by Vice-President Hong-xin of Hunan Normal University in Changsha’. Online at

Francesca Lisette, ‘For J.H. Prynne’, in as the rushes were (Cilcewydd, Powys: Grasp Press, 2010): [n.p.].

Rajiv C Krishnan, ‘Rather that two owe’, in Anorak Peace Decads: A Suite of Two Poems for JH Prynne and Peter Riley (Ithaca, New York: [privately printed], 14 June 2010): 3–12.

Reitha Pattison, ‘“A Different Object”: Space and Place in the Early Poetry of Edward Dorn, 1961–65’. English, Vol. 59 [No. 226], 2010: 1–20 [8]. Thanks J.H. Prynne for information of Dorn’s contact with Denis O’Brien in Cambridge in the late 1960s.

Will Stuart, PRACTICAL Measures, a guidebook to the universe, ed. P.T. Johnstone ([Cambridge]: privately printed, 2011). Dedicated to J.H. Prynne and others.

Keston Sutherland, Stupefaction (London, New York, Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2011). ‘For Jenny Greenshields and J.H. Prynne’. Prynne is also listed on the Acknowledgements page [viii] among the ‘friends, colleagues and editors’ whose ‘conversation, critical response, enthusiasm and encouragement […] helped toward making this book’.

Liu Zhaohui, Following Possibilities: On Robert Creeley’s Poetic Measures (Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2011): Acknowledgements (pp. I–II) [I] [in English], following Preface (pp. I–IV) [in Chinese]. [This is an English-language book, with Preface, Afterword, and covers in Chinese]. ‘I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. J. H. Prynne, a contemporary English poet and Cambridge scholar who has generously provided me with important reference books, kindly told me his views on Robert Creeley and boosted my confidence in studying Creeley in the few short talks with me.’

Li Zhimin, ‘The One-Way Model of Cultural Interaction: Literary Interactions between China and Cambridge’. Cambridge Quarterly, Vol. 41 No. 1 (March 2012: Special Issue—Cambridge English and China: A Conversation): 111–27 [111]. Online at ‘My thanks go to Mr J.H. Prynne, Professor Joshua Scodel, and Professor John Wilkinson, who kindly offered their help during the composition of this essay.’ This essay is a revised version of a talk given at the colloquium ‘Cambridge English & China: A Conversation’, (5–7th July 2011), included [without the aforementioned thanks] on a two-CD audio mp3 collection, The Cambridge Quarterly—Cambridge English & China: A Colloquium, 5–7th July 2011, MP3 Version (London: Optic Nerve, 2012); Li Zhimin’s talk is CD 2, track 12a., titled on the back cover ‘Literature as a Cultural Bridge between China & Cambridge’ and attributed to Li Zhi-min.

Justin Katko, ‘Preface’, in Edward Dorn, Two Interviews, eds. Gavin Selerie and Justin Katko (Bristol: Shearsman Books, 2012): 7–13 [13]. J.H. Prynne is thanked ‘for providing files from his Dorn correspondence, from which “The Peak Interview”, and two poems from [Edward Dorn’s] The Day & Night Report were transcribed, and Prynne’s own “NY251423MSGSTART/” sourced’. Katko’s ‘Preface’ is also online at

Edward Dorn, ‘On first reading The Glacial Question, Unsolved, again’ [from ‘The Day & Night Report’ (1971)], in Edward Dorn, Two Interviews, eds. Gavin Selerie and Justin Katko (Bristol: Shearsman Books, 2012): 37. The line beneath the title reads ‘For J.H.P. Vancouver 27 July’. [An editors’ note at the bottom of the page mentions that this poem and the one preceding it (‘Day Report, 205th day’ [p. 36]) are ‘transcribed from a letter from Dorn to J.H. Prynne (13 September 1971) [2 pp., MS], in the possession of J.H. Prynne.’]. Reprinted, without the line dedicated to Prynne, as part of ‘203rd day—162 days follow’, in Edward Dorn, Derelict Air: From Collected Out, eds. Justin Katko and Kyle Waugh (London: Enitharmon Press, 2015): 269. [The editors’ notes on the poem in Derelict Air: From Collected Out (on p. 567 of that book) expand the information on this poem as follows: ‘TS (1 p.), inscribed to J.H. Prynne, 27 July 1971, Vancouver, held by J.H. Prynne, Binder D12 (February 1971 – October 1971).’].

Justin Katko, ‘Incredible Style (Cervantes – De Sade)’, ed. John Wilkinson. Epsians, Vol. 3 No. 1 (March 2013): 79–120 [79]. Thanks J.H. Prynne and others for ‘assistance, directly or indirectly.’ Also online at

Anthony Paraskeva, The Speech-Gesture Complex: Modernism, Theatre, Cinema (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013) thanks J.H. Prynne and others for ‘guidance, criticism, advice and inspiration’.

Edward Dorn, ‘a Poem entitled Bullshit’ (27 July 1966), in Edward Dorn and Leroy Lucas, The Shoshoneans: The People of the Basin-Plateau, Expanded Edition, ed. Matthew Hofer (Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, 2013): 115. The poem is dedicated ‘for J.H.P.’ [Note that this poem is not in the original edition of the book (i.e., Edward Dorn and Leroy Lucas, The Shoshoneans: People of the Basin-Plateau (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1966)). Also note that, though Matthew Hofer, in ‘Introduction: “Few / People are lost as I am”: Ed Dorn through the Great Basin-Plateau’ in the Expanded Edition (pp. 97–110 [110]), mentions another Dorn poem, [‘my wandering’] (19 August 1966) (printed just below ‘a Poem entitled Bullshit’ on the same page of the Expanded Edition) as dedicated to Prynne, these poems previously only appear on the same page in manuscript in the Edward Dorn Papers, Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries, while in J.H. Prynne, Binder D5 (July 1966 – December 1966) [private archive], a manuscript of ‘a Poem entitled Bullshit’ is collected but [‘my wandering’] is not; i.e. [‘my wandering’] is not part of ‘a Poem entitled Bullshit’, and hence not dedicated to Prynne]. ‘a Poem entitled Bullshit’ and [‘my wandering’] are both reprinted in Edward Dorn, Derelict Air: From Collected Out, eds. Justin Katko and Kyle Waugh (London: Enitharmon Press, 2015): 172, with notes on 563.

Edward Dorn, Derelict Air: From Collected Out, eds. Justin Katko and Kyle Waugh (London: Enitharmon Press, 2015): 22. The editors, among other acknowledgements, add, ‘Thanks to the generosity of J.H. Prynne, whose holdings of early Dorn manuscripts and correspondence have been essential to the construction of this book. Thank you Lao Pu!’

John Wilkinson, Courses Matter-Woven (Cambridge: Equipage, 2015). ‘for J.H. Prynne || furthering many’.

Jeremy Noel-Tod, ‘Acknowledgements’, in R.F. Langley, Complete Poems, ed. Jeremy Noel-Tod (Manchester: Carcanet Press, 2015): xv. Noel-Tod notes that his introduction to the volume [pp. ix–xiv] ‘could not have been written without material kindly provided by three people who knew Roger Langley well over many years: Andrew Brewerton, Jeremy Prynne, and Nigel Wheale. I would like to thank them all […]’.

Lisa Johanna Jeschke, Theatricality and J.H. Prynne’s Work (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge, December 2015) lists Jeremy Prynne and others under the heading ‘Thank you:’.

John Clarke and Albert Glover, eds., A Curriculum of the Soul, Volume 2 (New York: The Institute of Further Studies/Spuyten Duyvil, 2016): [857]. [Lists Jeremy Prynne among ‘Others who supported this work’. The two volumes of this trade edition of A Curriculum of the Soul collect the 28 fascicles of the series by various authors published from 1972 to 2002, as well as letters from Charles Olson to John Clarke from 10 to 28 October 1965, with an introduction and acknowledgements added by Albert Glover in 2016. The series of fascicles are on subjects selected and assigned by John Clarke from Charles Olson’s text ‘A Plan for a Curriculum of the Soul’, composed sometime between 1963 and 1965 and first published in 1968. ‘A Plan for a Curriculum of the Soul’ is not included in the two-volume trade edition of A Curriculum of the Soul, though it’s reproduced in Poems for the Millennium: The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry, Volume Two, From Postwar to Millennium, eds. Jerome Rothenberg and Pierre Joris (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1998): 410–411].

Lisa Jeschke, ‘Translator’s Note’, in Ulf Stolterfoht, Nine Drugs, tr. Lisa Jeschke (Cambridge: Face Press, 2016): [n.p.] thanks Prynne and others ‘for advice and corrections.’ The book also includes a brief introductory note by Prynne, ‘J.H. Prynne on Ulf Stolterfoht’, as a laid-in sheet between the book’s cover and title page.

Nandini Ramesh Sankar, ‘Complicity and Cambridge poetry’. Textual Practice, Vol. 31 No. 4 (20 January 2017): 805–21, online at [requires subscription or purchase]. ‘The author is especially grateful to Peter Riley and J.H. Prynne for generously granting her permission to quote from their work, and for their encouragement and support.’

Luke Roberts, Barry MacSweeney and the Politics of Post-War British Poetry: Seditious Things (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) lists J.H. Prynne among ‘many of MacSweeney’s friends, acquaintances, and publishers, all of whom answered questions and helped me to locate materials and verify facts.’

Gareth Farmer, Veronica Forrest-Thomson: Poet on the Periphery (London: Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature), 2017): ix. ‘I am grateful to all those correspondents, scholars, editors, poets and others who have helped and inspired me with my research on Veronica’s work over the years, including […] J.H. Prynne […]’.

Joshua Samuel Stanley, If but Once We Have Been Strong: Collective Agency and Poetic Technique in England during the Period of Early Capitalism (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, May 2018). In the Acknowledgements: ‘To the poets who were my teachers in Brighton and Cambridge: […] Jeremy Prynne, whose poems and friendship among the years have revolved the world.’

N.H. Reeve and Richard Kerridge, ‘Acknowledgements’, in J.H. Prynne, The Oval Window: A New Annotated Edition, eds. N.H. Reeve and Richard Kerridge (Hexham, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books, 2018): 6. ‘J.H. Prynne kindly supplied the photographs reproduced in this volume, and a portfolio of references and source materials to help facilitate the annotation. […] J.H. Prynne […] read parts of the book and gave valuable advice.’

Daniel Eltringham, Poetry & Commons: Postwar and Romantic Lyric in Times of Enclosure (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2022): xi. Thanks J.H. Prynne, among others, for ‘generous permission to quote extensively from archival materials and/or from their work, and for their patience with my queries.’