Thanks to everyone who has contributed leads, citations, sources, and yarns. Particularly thankful thanks for the extraordinary research work of Anthony Barnett, David Belbin, Ian Brinton, Ryan Dobran, Nate Dorward, Gareth Farmer, Louis Goddard, David Grundy, Matthew Hall, Ian Heames, Andy Houwen, Lisa Jeschke, Justin Katko, Aaron Kent, Robert Kiely, Joshua Kotin, Ed Luker, Joe Luna, Duncan MacKay, Ian Patterson, Malcolm Phillips, Paul Pilkington, Orlando Reade, Peter Riley, Luke Roberts, Josh Robinson, Nandini Ramesh Sankar, Josh Stanley, Keston Sutherland, Ming Tsao, Martin Waterson, Ben Watson, John Wells and John Wilkinson; for the websitefulness of Jenn Fauls; and for the courageous generosity and patience of J.H. Prynne.