Publications Edited by Prynne

Prospect, 6 (Spring 1964).

The English Intelligencer (various, 1966–68). Prynne was responsible for printing the journal. Andrew Crozier edited the first series of this worksheet, Peter Riley the second. The transition between the two series seems to have taken a while to arrange; during the interim, Prynne assembled a supplement entitled ‘This is personal’ [numbered separately from the other issues, but subsequent numbering treats it as pp. [267–74]], a collage of unattributed extracts from participants’ accounts of the Sparty Lea festival, held the week before Easter, [March] 1967. After Peter Riley’s editorship ended, a third series began with an issue dated 6 Dec. 1967; this was assembled (rather than edited) by Crozier and Prynne. This final series ended with an issue dated 29 September 1968. Certain Prose of The English Intelligencer, eds. Neil Pattison, Reitha Pattison and Luke Roberts (Cambridge: Mountain Press, 2012/2014 (2nd ed.)) reprints selections from the journal.

Original: Chinese Language-Poetry Group, translated by Jeff Twitchell-Waas (Brighton: Parataxis Editions, 1994; as Parataxis: modernism and modern writing, 7 (Spring 1995; general ed. Drew Milne)): pp. 128. A selection from this volume is published in Exact Change Yearbook, 1 (Boston and Manchester: Exact Change, 1995): 19–40, including Prynne’s ‘Afterword’ on pp. 38–40. A selection from this volume, including Prynne’s ‘Afterword’, is also published in Jacket, 20 (December 2002), online at [approx. pp. 23]. [The full volume constitutes an English translation of an entire issue of a journal assembled by the Chinese Language-Poetry Group, unofficially published as Yuanyang: Zhongguo yuyan shipai (Nanjing/Suzhou, 1990 [actual publication date, 1992]), and thus the choice of works to be translated as well as the order in which they appear were entirely determined by the Chinese poets themselves].

Caius and Cockerell: The Transformation of a Library (Cambridge: Gonville & Caius College, 1997). Includes, by J.H. Prynne, ‘Introduction’, p. 1, ‘Gonville and Caius College Library’, pp. 3–9, and a note on ‘Stained Glass in the Cockerell Building’, p. 42.

The May Anthology of Oxford and Cambridge Poetry 1998 (Cambridge and Oxford: Varsity/Cherwell, 1998). J.H. Prynne is listed on the copyright page as Executive Editor. He also contributes the two-page ‘Introduction’ [n.p.].

Pearl Currents, 1 (1 June 2005; Guangzhou, P.R. China). On p. 1, under the heading ‘The Staff of Pearl Currents’, Prynne is listed as Advisor.

Ou Hong, ed., River Pearls [bilingual anthology] (Guangzhou: English Poetry Studies Institute, Sun Yat-sen University / Great Britain: Barque Press, 2005). J.H. Prynne is listed on the copyright page as Chief Advisory Editor and as one of the cover designers, and contributes poetry and a Foreword.

Epsians, Vol. 1 No. 1 (September 2011) and all subsequent issues of the journal to date list Prynne among the Board of Editors as an Honorary Editor, as well as a Co-Publisher for EPSI (English Poetry Studies Institute of Sun Yat-sen University, P.R. China) in Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University, England. He has also contributed an essay to each of the journal’s issues to date. The first issue is online at

Apophthegms (Cambridge: Face Press, 2017). [‘A Selection of Apophthegms, made by Mr J.H. Prynne in form of annotations to and from the Chambers Dictionary of Etymology, ed. Robert K. Barnhart, Edinburgh 1988/2008, and elsewhere.’ Includes an ‘Appendix of Advices’, Traditional and anon.].